Iga was established in October, 1996 as a State Agency with a goal of implementing the World Bank’s project for urgent initiation of industry, alongside issuing guarantees from political and war risk to foreign investors and traders. Taking into account that during the project not one insured risk occurred, credit funds from the World Bank that were coverage for guarantees were freed up and had become available for support of export companies.
During 1999 IGA has began implementation of the World Bank’s second project which is geared towards support of export companies in BiH. Available credit funds are provided to export companies through financing exporting preparation, securing guarantees for agreed upon transactions abroad, as well as capital for insuring export and import.
Considering that demand of export companies is becoming greater, IGA besides the World Bank’s funds is securing funds from other sources, such as local and foreign banks, Lloyd’s and other European reinsurers.
Parlament BiH 2004. godine donosi Zakon o Izvozno-kreditnoj agenciji Bosne i Hercegovine i time utvrđuje nastavak rada IGE kao državne izvozno-kreditne agencije sa osnivačkim kapitalom od 52 miliona KM. IGA djeluje kao samostalno, nedepozitno i neprofitno pravno lice u skladu sa principima o likvidnosti i osiguranju poslovanja bez gubitka.